Concerns With Online Auto Insurance Coverage
We have all seen the ads on TV, the internet, and radio; “Just 15 minutes can save you thousands.” We live in a world where we want almost everything fast and easy. But just because something is fast and easy, doesn’t mean it is the best. These online companies don’t tell you the entire story. In their attempt to sell you quick, low cost, low coverage, insurance, they leave out the fact that you may need more or different coverage. So, you end up with cheap auto insurance that may not cover you in the event of a claim.
Concerns With Purchasing Online Auto Insurance
- It will take you more than 15 minutes to search, compare, and buy insurance online.
- You will definitely need to have some computer skills to navigate the online application process. If you fill out the application incorrectly, you may purchase the wrong auto coverage and/or pay more than you need to pay.
- If you buy online, you have to become an insurance expert, because you won’t have an advocate to help you.
- What happens when you have a claim and they deny your claim? Who do you call?
The auto insurance companies we use may not be flashy or have funny characters, buy they do offer competitive rates, good coverage, and outstanding customer service.
Founded in the Belltown neighborhood of Seattle in 2004, we now service the entire west coast, including Washington, Oregon and California, with office locations in Seattle and San DIego. At Belltown Insurance Group, each one of our clients are given a dedicated team of experts that work together to proficiently address all your concerns.
We offer all types of Personal Insurance coverages to our clients in Washington including Auto Insurance, Homeowners Insurance, Individual Life Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, and Boat & Watercraft.
Give one of our agents a call to save money on your Business Insurance. Some of our Commercial insurance coverages include Business Owners Policy (BOP), General Liability, Commercial Auto, Workers Compensation, and Bonds.