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What Have We Learned From Natural and Human-Caused Disasters

A Personal Insurance Update
This past month we have had major wildfires in Washington, Oregon and California, Hurricanes in Florida and Texas, and a terrible shooting in Las Vegas.  We hope the victims of all these vents are recovering and our prayers and thoughts are with them still.

Insurance plays an important part of each of these events, so we wanted to provide useful information as a way to help us all prepare for the future.  Are there things we can learn from the major events?

It is a good idea to get flood insurance, especially if you live close to any water.
Have “go packs” for your family in case you need to evacuate your home quickly.

Take pictures of your home and your personal property.  Send the pictures to your email or store them on the cloud.  It will help a lot in the event of a disaster.

If you go to a crowded event, look around and have an exit plan.

Never sign a document that assigns the insurance rights to any other party, this is a scam.

Help others when possible, and contact authorities only when you are safe.

Much of the recent damaged caused by wildfires should be covered under a home insurance or business insurance policy. Fire and flood insurance is available to those in specific regions.  Our team is ready to help you review your personal insurance and discuss any changes that may be needed.

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